August 17, 2008

How To Promote The Program

Let's start with "the obvious"...

Did you ever stop to think about how many of your friends
and family know about affiliate marketing?

Not many right?

The concept is STILL entirely new to most people.

"Sell other people's stuff? You mean I don't have to stock
products or deal with customers? And someone pays me a
commission just for sending them to their Web site?"

"What a grrrrrrrrrrrreat concept!"

Remember how you felt when you first learned about affiliate
marketing? Yup. So the next question is...

"How do I learn more?"

Send them to the Affiliate Signup Page with your RR URL...

Send it to them by e-mail so they can't go wrong. All they
have to do is click on the link.

The Affiliate page assumes no knowledge. There's a short
(optional) introduction for those who need it. And all the
benefits are explained here, too.

Do you know what happens after folks register?

They realize... "I'm going to need a Web site to do this!"

And the next thing you know they're buying SBI! and you're
making a $75 commission. Click KaCHING! :-)

And then, a year later, a renewal. Click KaCHING!

And then some buy a second site. Click KaCHING!

No doubt about -- being an SBI! affiliate is one of the most
lucrative of all affiliate options.

And so far, we've only talked about OFFline promotion!


What about ONline?

It's much the same process...

o Introduce the concept of making money through affiliate
marketing, but take it one step further...

o Explain why the 5 Pillar Program is the fairest, most
generous, most equity-building, most mature program
that exists online. We are the only company of our
size that still depends 100% on affiliate marketing.
Why? Because we believe in it. And more importantly,
we believe in YOU.

o Send them to your RR URL of the registration page to
learn more and to join the best program on the Web.

Your approach will vary, depending on the nature of your
site and your audience. But basically, the key is not to be
pushy. Treat visitors like friends. For example, let them
in on "what they didn't know about SiteSell's affiliate
program" if your audience is Internet Marketers.

Tell your own "affiliate marketing" story. Tell them with
passion about how you learned about it and how well you
are doing with it. Voice and positioning is key. You must
truly care about helping them. Otherwise your words are
met with skepticism and you'll lose credibility.

Do you have a less sophisticated audience? Write an
informative page about affiliate marketing and its benefits.
You can send folks to it from anywhere...

o Your home page with a good benefit-driven link

o Your own review of the top affiliate programs

o An article about the 5PP that ties in with your niche

o From a PPC campaign

o In your newsletter or an e-mail promotion


Once your audience is interested in affiliate marketing, you
can do more than just send them to the Signup Page....

The Affiliate Marketing Business landing page will tell them
the whole story about affiliate marketing. It's also a
great place to get some ideas for your own page...

Offer your visitors a free copy of the classic (and often
updated) Affiliate Masters Course. Send them to your
RR URL for its download page...
By the way, the first RR URL link in the book is to the
affiliate signup page. If they click and sign up that will
turn your temporary cookie into a permanent one.

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