December 30, 2009

Your New Password

Would you like to learn the
incredibly simple steps I take
everyday to guarantee that every
single new project I start becomes a

GO HERE NOW to find out how…


Mack Michaels, mastermind behind MaverickMoneyMakers
has just released his newest, most exciting course to date.

Over the last 12 months over 16,000 people have used
Mack's incredible coaching to earn over 3.3 million bucks
as members of his coaching club.

And now, he's turning the industry on it's head again!

Once you head over to that page you can watch, listen
and read as Mack shows you the steps he takes and
how you can plug into them right now.

For maximum profit, just follow the steps you'll find on the page,
grab your new password and get started.


Oh, I forgot to mention this, but Mack used these exact steps to
personally make over $2.7 Million in 2009.

Once you find out how you'll see how incredibly easy it is for you to
do the same you'll wonder why it took you so long to figure this out.

Even if you can only figure out how to make 10% of what Mack is
pulling down that's over a quarter million per year! That's over 20
grand a month!

Excited yet?  You should be!

But, if you're as committed and hard-working as I think you are
then the sky is literally the limit.


And, of course there is no risk whatsoever
for you. Either you like it or you don't, you decide…

For less than the cost of the newest Bestseller at
Barnes and Noble (under 25 bucks) you can plug into Mack's
2.7 Million Dollar formula right now…

It's guaranteed to work for you, no questions.

To your success,


P.S. This information has NEVER been released in
         this format. You are one of the first to see this
         and you have the unique opportunity to put this
         principle into action for yourself before ANYONE
         else even has a chance…

         Get ready to be blown away.


P.P.S. In about 6 minutes you'll know exactly
            what you must do to make sure that 2010
           is your most successful year to date!


December 15, 2009

Underground Internet Marketer

An "underground" Internet marketer
that USED to quietly make millions online ...
... but that's all changing now that *he took a bet* and has to
coach 500 people to make a life-changing income online too.
Check out this video that shows how he averages $147,598 a month:
... and that's just from ONE of his online businesses.
To get the full story and find out why he has to coach 500 people
to make money online, check out his site ASAP.
*** If you hurry, you can probably be one of them. ***
Last I heard there were about 200 spots left, but this email is
going to 1,000s of people so you really do need to be quick.
Here's your chance to be coached by a real online millionaire:

December 12, 2009

Escape Your 9 - 5 'Rat Race

Hi Isyaias,

Waking up to an alarm clock every morning and
going to work for someone else can drive anyone

Here's a guide to show you exactly how to CRUSH
your job and finally make_money on the internet!

I don't often get this excited about a cheap
ebook but I must say this one really impressed
me & I wanted to tell you about it. 

It's called "Crush Your Job" and it's actually
pretty dang good..not your usual cheap fluff.

See what I mean here:

Don't let the low price fool you either.

It's only $5.00!

For around the cost of a Starbucks coffee, you
can find the answers that have have been hiding
from you....

* How To Make Money Even If You have No
products, No list, No money, Are Dead Broke,
and Frustrated?

* How To Identify A "Hungry Market" Where
Rabid Buyers Will Snatch Up Your Information
Left & Right... Guaranteed!

* How To Create A Niche Infoproduct Quickly
(in a matter of hours)

* How To Generate TONS, And TONS Of Traffic
FAST (in less than a week!)

* How To Totally DOMINATE In Your Niche
Market & Crush Your Competition!

* What Niche Markets You Shouldn't Waste
Your Valuable Time On

* How To Separate Yourself From 99% Of The
Internet Marketers Who Never Make A Dime
Online And Never Will!

* How To Set Up Backend Products
(for bigger profits)

* How To Write Sales Copy That Actually
Converts Visitors Into Buyers!

It's 90 pages long (I finished it in about an
hour or so), and it's ONLY 5 bucks!  That's an
incredible steal if you ask me.

Be sure not to miss it:

To your success,

-Zech Smith

December 09, 2009

Different Online Business Methods

In reality, they are all very similar to the business
models you see in the offline world.

You can sell goods and services, you can produce products
for wholesale distribution, you can sell information, you
can sell tools to help people in their own business model,
you can sell advertising, or you can provide consulting

Do you see a common theme in all of these models?

That's right---to have a viable business, you have to
literally provide some kind of a good or service that adds
value to someone or something, either online or offline.

I think that when people think about going into business
offline, they look for a need in their community and try to
fill it.

Online, they tend to think, OK, what can I do to make a lot
of money?

There is a huge difference between the two.

Online, I think people really believe that if they put up a
web site and sell something, the money will just come in.

It is simply not an accurate thought, but I think that just
about everybody has thought it at one time or another.

So to create an income online, you must meet a need, just
like you would in the offline world.

You meet that need by producing, developing, distributing,
or brokering a product or service.

That is just about it. You will never earn long-term viable
income from schemes and scams, no more than a bank robber
will earn a long-term viable income robbing banks.

Here are some of the basic business models you can find on
the web:

1) Production model. This is a company that produces value
by transforming one good into another for online
consumption. An offline equivalent would be a shoemaker or
a gold mining firm. The online equivalent might be the
development of new software or search technology, or the
development of online technology that aids in the execution
of some of the other online business models.

2) Merchant model. This is a company that specializes in
the sales and organizes the delivery of goods and services
to an online market. This can be compared to the offline
equivalent of a merchant. Some examples online are
bookstores, food stores, catalog web sites and other goods
and services sales organizations.

3) Advertising model. This is a company that specializes in
providing the service of advertising or promotion to other
online firms, for example, those firms that operate using
the production or merchant model. This model charges these
companies a fee to advertise the goods and services
provided by the other online business models.

4) Affiliate model. This is a model that resembles the
advertising model, but is different in that it focuses on
recruiting many individual companies or individuals to do
the advertising in a systematic and piecemeal way. Whereas
in the advertising model, the advertiser is paid based on
the amount of advertising distributed, the affiliate model
pays the affiliate marketer when a sale or step in a sales
process is completed. This step may be an online visit, a
request for more information, or the actual sale itself.

5) Brokerage model. This model is one that compensates the
broker for bringing together buyer and seller, usually in
the form of a personal, one-on-one introduction. An example
of this might be an online auction or a processor of online

6) Information model. The information business model is one
in which the company provides information to a specific
field or niche market. This information would typically
instruct another company or individual on an easier or more
efficient method of performing a task, or actually teach
the task or the implementation of the task.

7) Subscription model. This is an overlay model, one which
is generally incorporated into one of the other models.
This model would provide a good or service over a
protracted period of time, and provide a guaranteed and
generally consistent level of that good or service for a
period of time, for example over the course of several
months. Two products that fit into this subscription model
might be that of online monthly video rentals or services
like food or medicines which are delivered on a regular
basis by commitment.

8) Utility model. This model operates in much the same way
as an offline utility might operate, offering a product
that has, through its use, become a necessity and is often
tightly controlled. An example of an online utility model
would be that of internet access or telephone service via
an online network.
9) Community model. This is a business
model that focuses on bringing together individuals or
companies of similar interest for the purpose of developing
relationships and sharing information. Two examples of the
community web phenomenon are the recently created Myspace
and the older online forum.

When deciding to go into business online, it is important
to determine which of these business models most interest
you. To which of these models are you best suited?

In which of these models are you most likely to be
considered an expert, or in which would you have the
willingness to become an expert?

Talk soon,
Jeff & Charles

December 04, 2009

How M-Commerce will help you... (free course)

Did you know that there are certain things that
you may want to take into consideration before
taking your business mobile?

Wireless technology has brought a new and
exciting trend in business computing and is
revolutionizing the ways that people utilize
computers to do business and stay connected with
each other.

But the simple fact is most people don't realize
that there are important factors that need to be
considered before taking your business mobile.....

===== sidenote =====
Did you know that there are risks and legalities
associated when using mobile devices for your
business and that is up to you to ensure that you
and your employees use these devices wisely, so
that your business can grow without limitations
and legal ramifications.
===== sidenote =====

This Mobile for Business Crash Course was
created to help business owners understand what
mobile computing can do for their business. It can
be used to build awareness and to show your
readers how to take their business mobile
business. You can also use it to educate your
members, subscribers and to  get more traffic to
your own website. This short course is designed
with beginners in mind, so even if you've never
thought about taking your business mobile you will
be better able to understand the pros and cons
associated with using mobile devises to run your

The best part is it's absolutely FREE!


You learn things like:

* Exactly what mobile technology is and what it
can do for your business.

* The emergence of M-Commerce and how it affects
your business, so you don't get left behind!

* The effects of mobile technology on society and
how it applies to your business.

* Some of the common myths associated with mobile
computing that may be clouding your judgment, so
that you can put them aside and make an informed
decision about using mobile devices in your

* Some of the disadvantages of mobile technology
so that you can decide whether or not it is a good
fit for your business.

Enroll here for free:

For more information, visit

December 03, 2009

Is Mobile Content The Big Business?

There are millions of people who want to play games, read
books, watch videos and surf the Internet from their
handheld mobile devices. We have reached a point where
people want to be able to do anything from their cell phone
that they can on their computer at home.

The mobile content offers a multi-billion-dollar
opportunity for people then create content for mobile
. If you have taken the time during this course to
put together some good quality mobile content, now is the
time to get it out to the public.

Mobile content is expected to triple or more over the next
12 months. It is important that the content that you
provide is of high quality and becomes a valuable for your

It is a good idea to make sure to protect your copyright
for your products in order to keep others from taking your

The video market is expanding quickly and there is a huge
market for it. Putting together entertaining video clips or
information is expected to be a multi-billion-dollar

The more powerful mobile devices become, the more consumers
will want for their mobile devices. Over 50% of people are
now using their mobile phones to browse the Internet. Many
people are using their mobile phones to get news and other

It has become a habit for many people to go straight to
their phone whenever they are looking for useful
information. Having your content available in mobile format
is one of the best moves you can make to ensure the success
of your business in the future.

Everyone is busier these days and they want everything now.
Having information available at all times is what people
are looking for. Anything that can make life easier for the
consumer is attractive to them.

Mobile content makes it easy for anyone to be able to find
whatever they want whether they are at home or away from
home. It is the convenience that makes it attractive to
most people.

So what is it that people really want? They want everything
to be as easy as possible, readily available, easily
downloadable and instant gratification. You can offer this
by making your content mobile.

If you are ready to get your share of the millions or even
billions of dollars of potential that mobile content
brings, then you'll want to market your products in the
most effective way. will provide you with installation and
support for all APP store clients. You can get your mobile
content business up and going quickly. Pocket Brand
supports mobile content delivery to over 200 mobile
carriers worldwide, and unlimited content types.

Pocket Brand offers mobile content providers their own
white-label app stores and resources to gain visibility,
earn revenue and take control of their own success.

All of your mobile content can be easily uploaded to your
own site via the admin tool or you can also link-to
existing mobile content that you already have hosted on

For more information, visit

Be Blessed,